The aftermath of typhoon Ondoy left us with hundreds of people dead and missing. Millions of pesos has been accounted for damages and Metro Manila will never be the same again. This was, so far, the most tragic flash flood in Manila for decades now. But the aftermath of typhoon Ondoy is not really the damages it has done to our infrastructures and, in my opinion (not to be insensitive to those whose loved ones has perished), not even the death toll. The aftermath of this disaster is more on how it changes us and how others react to it.
I’ll be writing below some of the things I think was affected by this typhoon:
I would say that this is the first thing that is affected by this disaster. Every disaster that happens to human is a test of his faith in the spirituality he stand on. For some, they would rather curse God for what happened. Can we really blame God? Well, I cannot blame others who blames God…most peple blame God if they cannot blame anyone with the bad things that are happening to them. But in my personal experience, although I haven’t experienced having a loved one died in a tragic event and I’m not even hoping, I believe that most tragic event in our lives are caused by people too. On the contrary, tragedies like this does reminds us of God and we can either strenghten our faith in Him or curse Him and die.
I have read a comment in Facebook about a woman who said that there are a lot of sinners in our country that is why this happened (attached picture). What she forgot was that there were also children who were affected by the flood, and worst was children who did not survive. Yesterday, in the clean up operation they have discovered a child covered with mud, cold dead. Can you really say that things like this happens only to sinners? Did God break His promise not to wipe out human beings with flood because of their sins? I don’t think so. But tragedies like this can change attitudes. It can make you or break you! Attitude, in the first place, is how you look at something or someone. If you have a positive outlook in life then probably you will have a positive and optimistic attitude on this. However, if you have a negative outlook in life then you will be like this lady who just cursed everyone in the Philippines.
GovernmentWith the 2010 Election coming, a tragedy like this that happened in the middle of the election circus can be an opportnity for most officials running for presidency to show people how much they “care”…that is if they really care. Take for example the photo here that has a small note that says: “Tulong galing kay…” (”Help from…”). Well, if you really want to help do you really need to announce to everyone that you are helping? Did not Christ said not to let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. For God rewards OPENLY those who does good things in SECRET. Don’t get me wrong. Before Noynoy Aquino announced that he will run for president in the 2010 election I was going to vote for Manny Villar. I am not against Manny Villar…I am against those politicians who are using tragedies like this for their own benefits. When will they stop using the Filipinos for their own benefit that they may consume them with their lust.
But then again, the Philippines is not all about corruption! In midst of every tragedy (in the past and even in the future), the Filipinos will be like bamboos who may bend but will never break. Like bamboos, when put together, we show our strength in times like this. We extend our hands to help to people where help seem hopeless. We can still laugh at our calamity making us the happiest people on earth based on studies. In this time of crisis we, the Filipino people, always rise above the waters and many unsung heroes are made
WHAT IS Memoirs of a Preacher?
This blog, Memoirs of a Preacher, is not just a journal of my journey and experience after being a full time church worker.
This blog is a reminder that 'preachers' like us are also human and have our own flaws. We are not perfect and we are not superman. We may try to do things out of the ordinary but that is just because of our passion for the work.
Every preacher, just like any other human being in this planet, has his own issue in life. To sum up everything, you and me and all those who serve in the work of the Lord, we are all sinners and we "fall short of the glory of God".
Praise God because we are saved by grace, not of works lest anyone should boast. I cannot boast of myself, and I think no body can.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Aftermath of Typhoon Ondoy (Philippines)
Posted by AJE at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
An Open Letter
Dear friends,
Most of you already know that I have resigned from Mactan COC many months ago. I have left the congregation, whom I loved and have sacrificed my life for, in somewhat selfish reason. In a way, I see myself as Moses who has ran away to Midian after taking into his hands the salvation of one Israelite without understanding fully the power of God.
Although I have always believed in the power and grace of God, there was a time in my ministry where I took matters in to my hands without waiting on God. I feel that there is so much I can do for God in His church that I forgot about God's plan for His church instead of mine. In my busyness in the ministry I forgot that planting a seed needs patience and process and that I may plant the seed but it is still God who will make it grow.
Like Moses in Midian, I find myself in a place where I feel so useless; I work in a company where my ability and talent seems to be going to waste. It's been nine months now that I have been like this...where the glory of my past seems nothing anymore. I guess that is part of the I do not know if I can still do the same powerful sermon that I used to I do not know if I can still manage or administer in a church like I used to. I don't know anymore if I can be as good as I did before...BUT I think that is exactly the point. Because we can never serve our of giftedness but out of brokeness.
Lately, in my quiet time with God, I feel the burden to finish what I have started in Iloilo City. The work in that city may be another failure as some people may think but I don't know why I feel the burden to go back there and finish what God has allowed us to do there years seems that the work there was never over yet. Perhaps, God has a plan for Iloilo but I wanted to be sure that God has work for me there so I can join His work there.
Help me pray for guidance and clear vision from God. I do not want to be deluded with just mere feelings. If this is God's will, in His time, He will reveal it. And if it is time for Him to use me again in the missionfield, be it in Iloilo or somewhere else, I know He will provide for us a way to do it where support will overflow from people as God moves them.
Again, I write to you because I consider you a big part of mine and my family's life. I need you to pray for this and to give us counsel as needed.
God bless you.
In Christ,
Posted by AJE at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One Thursday afternoon, my family and I were watching a movie starred by Nicolas Cage. The movie was entitled "Knowing".
The story was about a man (Nicolas Cage) who has a son who got an envelope from a time capsule in school. This envelope, along with other envelopes distributed to other kids in that school, were written or drawn by students of that school 50 years in the past. The man (Nicolas Cage) saw the paper which his son got and, on that seem useless night, realized that what was written on that paper was a prediction of major disasters in the world. In it was written the date, location, and the number of people who will die in that disaster. So far, all the predictions came true for the last 50 years.
The climax of the story was him knowing the exact day "everyone else" will die - the end of mankind.
While we were watching this, my son Matthew just said, "Dad, people have a lot of problem, right?"
That statement really strucked me because, even if I knew that problem is eminent to people, my son said it in a deeper yet profound way that would make you think again.
People do have problems...
John 12:31 "Now judgment is upon this world..."
Who doesn't have problems and conflicts and sorrows? I guess the hardest thing to having problem is not really the problem itself but KNOWING.
KNOWING the possible effects and results of a problem. This is what bothers us! We worry because we know there will be consequences. How good is it to not know and just accept things the way it is as God allows it.
I guess this is why God did not give us the ability to see the future. If so, then there will be more chaos. People worry about the things they do not know, how much more if they already know what will happen? And even if we know the future, we do not have the power and ability to control it. Even if we have the power to control it, we do not have the ability to do the wise things...OUR WISDOM IS FOOLISHNESS TO GOD!
Posted by AJE at 11:44 AM 0 comments